Deja Vu - by Ray Wills

Deja Vu
He heard the stamping of their heavy feet
the lines were made
with bodies starved of bread
the women wailing and the curse of men
millions were herded up
and marched into concentration camps
Jews, non conformists, religious zealots.
Also amongst them were those called vagrants
known as Roma Gypsies
those who had over centuries
fled numerous countries
at the risk of death or slavery
the air was full of death
and the gas from within
the government official demanded papers
All were now injected regularly
to avoid the epidemics
He thought back to the days
when his people freely roamed
the country lanes and were respected
Then he remembered
it starting with the signs on the public houses
No Gypsy travellers
And then came the land reforms
and the enclosure Acts
then later came the land snatchers
and the cries of
lock down your goods
in your garages,
guard your valuables
for the travellers are coming
He remembered the headlines
the common lies repeated by the masses
workless layabouts, tax dodgers, dirty filth
leaving their rubbish behind them
He turned around and saw his brother led away
heard the wailing and smelt the gas in the air
he recalled the trespass laws
imposed to stop all travellers
from staying overnight on common lands
of what little remained
Was this a dream
he felt the heavy hand on his shoulder
and was led away
By Ray Wills, the Gypsy poet
(Photograph courtesy of the Robert Dawson Collection: Roma musicians surrounded by German soldiers; 1941, Carpathian Mountains, Central Europe)