Traveller Pride launch befriending service for isolating and vulnerable LGBT+ Travellers

Traveller Pride, the Traveller-led collective that last year took a group of LGBT+ Travellers to Pride in London for the first time ever, have launched a befriending service to help combat isolation or other emotional difficulties during the upcoming periods of self-isolation or quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic.
“Whilst this won’t be the case for everyone, the isolation this is going to cause could be particularly hard on LGBT Travellers,” said Tyler Hatwell, the group’s founder, “it may be the case that you’re quarantined with family who don’t or won’t accept your sexuality which can be a difficult thing to be stuck with. Alternatively you might be living along and the sense of isolation can be very difficult to cope with at times. We want to be someone you can speak to, over the phone or through text, to show you that you’re not alone.”
The service will be ran by LGBT+ Travellers and is entirely voluntary. To request a call or conversation you can email or contact them through Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

This comes on the back of other work Traveller Pride are doing around Traveller Mental Health, with the results of a survey undertaken earlier in the year being analysed currently.
“Whilst the results are not finalised, it’s clear from an initial look that a lot of us are suffering in silence and that a lot of us lack connection. Projects like this, as well as other things we’re working on for after all this chaos is over, are to try to change this.” Tyler continued.

The service will run throughout the period that the coronavirus continues to cause disruption. You can find out more about the initiative, read our isolation helpsheet or follow other things Traveller Pride are doing at their website Or on their social media platforms.
TT News/Traveller Pride
(Lead photograph: Traveller Pride at London Pride 2019 by Joseph Mitchell