Basic First Aid Training, and then what?

30 September 2015
Basic First Aid Training, and then what?

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Gypsy, Roma Traveller Health

The Carers Federation Clinic,  CityCare and the Red Cross are working together to run a series of Basic First Aid and treatment of minor illness & injury events for the Gypsy, Roma Traveller Community.

We held our first session on 5 August 2015 at Richard & Nathalie Bennetts (Gypsylife) site.

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The session covers basic first aid from the Red Cross – what to do in an emergency including, CPR, choking and how to put someone in the recovery position. 

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It was then followed by a discussion lead by Sarah, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, about the various NHS services and how to access them. This included when to get advice from NHS Choices website ( when to go to the pharmacist, GP, when to ring 111 or what to do if your condition worsens or is serious. Sarah then went on to outline how you can treat minor injury and the start of   minor illness at home, using the contents of her Medicine box and First Aid Kit to  demonstrate this.

A big thank you to Nathalie & Richard Bennett (Gypsylife) and their family for hosting and participating in the event.  We all had a great fun and informative day. If anyone is interested in training for the Gypsy, Roma Traveller community then please get in touch.  We would like to set up more events in the Nottingham/Nottinghamshire area.

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For more information please contact Christine at the Carers Federation Clinic

Address: Christopher Cargill House, 21—23 Pelham Road, Nottingham, NG5 1AP

Tel: 0115 962 9325

