NHS free eye screening unit reaches out to Essex Travellers with diabetes in a bid to combat blindness

An Essex diabetic eye screening unit is promoting its free NHS services through the Travellers’ Times in a bid to reach Travellers in Essex County who may not be registered with a doctor.
Lorraine Lockwood, from the Essex Diabetic Eye Screening Programme, told the Travellers’ Times that the Diabetic eye screening is provided free of charge through the National Health Service to all people with diabetes age 12 and above.
“Diabetes is one of the main causes of blindness so it is important that screening is offered giving the opportunity to potentially detect any eye disease at an early stage when it can be treated,” said Lorraine Lockwood.
“I understand that not everyone registers permanently with a GP practice and this means if they have diabetes, they will not be offered a screening appointment. This is making it hard to contact our potential patients.”
By TT News
(Main picture: Two of the Essex diabetes eye screeners, Grace on the left and Helen on the right © EDESP)