Oh, we do like to be (nearly) beside the seaside!

Bournemouth played host to a horse fair and drive last weekend, as taking a bit of a punt on the recent unsettled weather, Gypsies and Travellers came from all over to attend the Bournemouth Horse Fair in Dorset.

Our photographer Eszter Halasi was there at the seaside town on the south coast to record the event on her camera.

Local Gypsy and Traveller-led charity Kushti Bok was also there to help give a Dorset welcome to all who came.

Speaking to the Travellers’ Times, Betty Smith-Billington MBE, said that she had a lovely time at the fair on Saturday.

“It was lovely and really well organised by Steve,” said Betty, who is the Chair of Kushti Bok.

“I didn’t go on the drive on Sunday because I have to look after my health nowadays. But I had a lovely time looking around the stalls.”

“There were stalls selling china, shoes, clothing and children’s clothing – and even kept birds.”

Betty took the opportunity to buy some china and new shoes while she was there.

“They did Dorset Travellers proud,” said Betty. “They are organising another one for August. It was such a lovely fair.”

TT News
(All photographs by Eszter Halasi for Travellers' Times)