Remembering the holocaust

2 February 2010
Remembering the holocaust

On Holocaust Memorial Day, Hampshire based Kenny Ayres represented the local Gypsy community at The Holocaust Memorial Day Service at Havant cemetery, Hampshire.  Read what he had to say:


Kenny Ayres, representing the British gypsy community, with the Mayor of Havant, Cllr Jackie Branson to his right, makes a reading at The Holocaust Memorial Day Service at Havant cemetery, Hampshire

Good afternoon my name is Kenny Ayres,  my wife’s name is Olive but to everybody we are known as Kenny and Margaret. We have come here today as representatives of the British Gypsy community. I thought that doing research on the holocaust would have been easy. As we all presume that we know what occurred during that time. Listening to news reports and what we have learned through history. But how wrong was I.

World war 2 officially ended in 1945, but for the holocaust victims it still goes on.

When i first started investigating the holocaust i found that there was actually 3 camps at Auschwitz working separately. The area for these camps were chosen due to the easy access by rail.

In the 4 ½ years of Auschwitz:

1,300,000 people were sent there.1,100,000 were put to death there of which 71.000 were Polish political prisoners.1.500 were Soviet prisoners of war.21000 were Gypsies. 1.000,000 Jews and out of those people 200.000 were children and 250.000 mentally handicapped and disabled children.

Auschwitz 2 known as Birkenau was the largest of the extermination camps, when in full production they assassinated and cremated 20.000 people a day, that’s 140.000 people per week.

Auschwitz 3  known as Monwitz which served as a labour camp.

All Auschwitz camps were run by the Nazi parties paramilitary army. The SS.

One SS 20 yr old woman named Yelma Crazer was notorious for her cruelty. How could such a young woman be brain washed into enjoying the torture that she gave to fellow human being’s.

 All the figures which our history books have, Are only estimated. It’s not a true account. Many more people were killed.

The camp commandant Rudolf Hoss testified at the Nuremburg trials that up to 3.000000 people died in Auschwitz. 6,000000 Jewish people had been exterminated throughout the 5 yrs of war across Europe. That’s 2 out of 3 Jews.

Zyklon B is a highly lethal cyanide based pesticide. Which the SS first used as an experimental gas on 600 Russian pows and 250 ill polish inmates. This paved the way to use Zyklon b as an instrument for extermination at Auschwitz. This is only 1 example of the horrific ways of executions which they carried out.

Adolf Hitler told the SS that if they didn’t exterminate the Jews. The Jews would later destroy the German people.  How can 1 man turn the majority of a nation into evil monsters.

 We are so so lucky being British as we have never suffered as these people had.

We don’t know what it is like to watch your mothers. Fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, and daughters got to their deaths. To the gas chambers. We don’t know what it is like to survive these horrific camps. To wake up from nightmares reliving all this again and again. My heart and prayers go out to everyone, even those which have have not been accounted for. This was a mass murder on a horrific scale.

The world must come together to make sure that this kind of racism does not happen again. Ever!!

We all must teach our children  what can happen if you let it. That so many lives can be lost and for what? NOTHING!!