The Dangers of Naivety

26 July 2010
The Dangers of Naivety

Wrong about rights?: West Midlands MEP Nikki Sinclair claims Gypsies and Travellers have greater rights than the settled community

The deteriorating relationship (If one could call it that) between Roma and gorjikane have, for some time now been the focal point of that which has dominated the national British press, one could reasonably surmise from simply reading their articles that the nation’s newspapers ultimate goal in its unrelenting slander campaign on Gypsies, is to whip public anger up into a frenzy of hate and violence.

There will inevitably come a time when the hate for Roma Gypsies (not excluding Irish Travellers) will no longer be confined safely in black and white newsprint, but will spill from the over-bloated pages and onto the streets in riots.

Before I go further, I would invite anyone who believes the above statements to be incredibly foolish notions, (as many gorgios undoubtedly do) to study for themselves the sequence of events just prior to the Holocaust (O Porraimos) in Germany, your study will not in the least be tedious, the evidence is there to be seen and examined at your scrutiny, and on your own time. What you will find in regards to those of events just prior to the mass murder of the Roma by the Nazis that probably numbered in the millions rather than thousands, as claimed by academia, is that these events, in the case of an whole nation being singled out and referred to as “Scum”, perfectly and eerily mirror present day Britain in its actions and attitude.

I had barely completed my own personal and extensive study of that horrific period in the Nazi era, when I too, like many other Romani Gypsies before me that has compared past to present day persecution of Gypsies, drew my own final conclusion, and made the equation that mattered most of all, that at some point in the coming future, there will be another massive attack on an epic scale upon Europe’s 15 million or more Roma.

What other conclusion can I draw?, like as not, I am forced to believe that this nightmare scenario may indeed one day be played out yet again.

The evidence speaks volumes.

As I finished my study, I am reminded of a segment of a poem by a man named Yates.

“Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold”

And I think, when the centre does eventually collapse, as I’m sure it eventually will, I ask “What then?” but I know that answer already, and if you dear listener is listening, you too, somewhere deep in the recesses of your own minds know this also, its time we fool ourselves no longer, we must be strong and come to the knowledge of the truth that our last day in this world may indeed come tomorrow.

I am asking all my brothers and sisters, please take nothing for granted, thank God for all things given to us, and to go as hard as humanly possible, and as far as we are able in our fight to be recognised, respected, and to rest assured in dignity as a member of the human race.

I am proposing a request to the United Nations for a EU-Roma policy that will protect our rights and safeguard us from a future that is steadily yet progressively growing in intensity, I would ask you to the same. If you have studied  the thought provoking horror testimonies of O Porraimos, then I am sure that we all can agree unanimously, that this is a road we do not want to travel again, we have had an acquaintance with it, we travelled it, we barely endured it, and we came out the other end decimated, heart broken and shattered, lets shut the barriers of that dark road forever.