FAQs Answered

Did trainees get paid?

Trainees were paid throughout the training @ living wage of £9.95 per hour. We also covered holiday pay and flexible working in school holidays. 

Bursaries were paid on a monthly basis on completion of all the training.

What equipment was supplied?

  • A laptop
  • A camera kit for content creation
  • A phone
  • Paper and pens
  • Wifi
  • Some software

This was provided as part of the training offer, participants were shown how to use it as part of the introductory course. There was also a dedicated technical support person available throughout. We offered wifi dongles for people with limited access to wifi or who were on the road.

Was everything online?

This was the trickiest element of the project. The trainees came from all across the UK and finding dates and times that suited everyone, plus the cost of travel and accommodation meant that we weren't able to meet up as often as we would have liked. Our recommendation for future would be to run multiple courses in different parts of the country for ease of travel and to ensure environmental sustainability. Trainees did like that everything wasn't in London however and agreed that online learning could be fun and allowed for much greater flexibility and greater amount of contact time. 

Where the trainees previously media experienced? 

Some were and some weren't so split the groups in to two cohorts to make sure we could offer everyone the support they need to achieve at the right level. The main skills we were looking for were passion, enthusiasm, commitment and a willingness to learn and be involved. unique course has been designed with that in mind and we can work with people of all different backgrounds and abilities and make sure everyone has something new to learn and achieve. This unique course was designed so learners of all levels and interests had something new to learn and achieve.