Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group ensure that Gypsy and Traveller experiences are counted by the government
A Derbyshire-based Romany Gypsy-led charity and researchers from the government have produced a ground-breaking report alongside an animated film that reveals the experiences, priorities and needs of Gypsy and Traveller communities in England and Wales.
The Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group and the government’s Office for National Statistics the DGLG spoke to over 50 community members, and 30 central and local government officials from England and Wales also participated.

An open-ended, life history approach was taken to the interviews, to ensure they were led by the participants. This open-ended approach was supported by questions about specific areas of life, such as housing and health. This helped to ensure the relevance of the research findings both to Gypsy and Traveller communities and to officials and service providers who make decisions and provide support that can affect their lives.

“We aimed to ensure diversity of characteristics and circumstances among those participating in the research to reflect the wider diversity among Gypsies and Travellers in England and Wales,” say the researchers.

To increase the accessibility of the report, the findings were turned into an animated film, produced by Romani journalist and film-maker Jake Bowers which can be seen by following this link.

The full report can be read by following this link.
Or alternatively the separate chapters of the report can be downloaded and read by clicking on the buttons below:
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(All pictures are stills from the DGLG/ONS film)