‘They came from all over the UK!’ - Gypsies and Travellers do their bit for the NHS

Gypsy and Traveller Stockton On Tees NHS charity horse drive that raised hundreds of pounds for the NHS a success say organisers

A charity horse drive around Stockton On Tees has raised hundreds of pounds for the NHS say the organisers.
Over Gypsy 120 Gypsy and Traveller carts, traps and wagons turned up on July 6th, from as far afield as London and Scotland, to take part in a NHS charity horse drive on Sunday 6th July, said organisers Charles William Tyers and Calvin Foley.

Zoe Tyers told the Travellers’ Times that the organisers had used word of mouth and Facebook to promote the drive.
“My Husband visited other Gypsy and Traveller charity drives to spread the word,” said Zoe Tyers.
He wanted to raise money for the NHS to thank them for their life saving work and to show that Gypsies and Travellers were doing their bit during the coronavirus epidemic as well, she added.

The drive was even reported in the local newspaper.
Stunned onlookers told Teeside Live that the sight of the horse drive passing by was “amazing”.
TT News
All photographs credit and courtesy of ALR Photography