Gainsborough Well Woman Group – all in it together!

A women’s health and community group in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, is bringing Traveller and non-Traveller women together to keep healthy and to take part in good causes.
On the 14th July, at Lincoln Showground, some of the group took part in a gruelling five kilometre run through the rain and the mud and raised £300 for Cancer Research.

The Gainsborough women also do good deeds in the local community and has been nominated for a prestigious ‘Heroes’ community award from Asis – itself an award winning housing association.
The nomination for the award reads: “Gainsborough Well Woman group are changing the lives of people in their community. They are helping people to lose weight, be healthier, have fun together and share their problems. The group tackle mental health issues, reduce isolation and are raising money for children with cancer. The group’s work is spreading through whole families, to young and old alike.”

The Travellers’ Times caught up with Lincolnshire Travellers Initiative, a local Gypsy and Traveller charity who set up the Gainsborough Well Woman Group, and spoke to Kirsty Mathers.
“We made the group so it’s open to all women in the area,” said Kirsty. She adds that the intent was to both improve women’s health, build community in the local area, and to help integration – and it’s worked.

“Its brilliant,” says Kirsty. “More women are joining all the time.”
So well done Kirsty and colleagues, and Liza, Sarah, Denise, Kirsty, Claire, Mandy, Chelsie (the muddy ones!), plus Wendy, Ruth, Nicola, Danielle, Lizzie and Mandy (the non-muddy ones!) – and any new members who have joined since the time of going to press. Good luck at the Asis awards from the Travellers’ Times.