Number of Gypsy and Traveller students starting university triples in a year

The number of Gypsy/Traveller students starting their first degree at university in England has tripled in a year – new government statistics have revealed.
According to figures recently released by the Office for Students, 1,430 Gypsy and Traveller students started their first degree in the academic year 2022-23, compared to 470 in 2021-22.
Sally Barter, a local authority Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Education Liaison Officer, and Romany herself, welcomed the news.
“Contrary to the damaging statistics we always hear quoted around engagement and achievement for our children and young people, this demonstrates that as a community we value education and want our children to do well and reach their full potential,” said Sally Barter.
“Unfortunately, there is still some work to be done within the existing education system to ensure expectations coincide with the rising aspirations of our families.“
Since the government has been recording the number of Gypsy and Traveller university students, alongside 15 other ethnic groups, the numbers of students identifying as Gypsy or Traveller has risen every year. In 2019-20 there were only 120 Gypsy or Traveller students starting a degree.
A further break-down of the government figures show that of the 1,430 Gypsy or Traveller students starting University in 2022-23, 970 are studying business and management, 120 are studying creative and performing arts, 70 are studying engineering and computing, 120 are studying law and social sciences, and 90 are studying nursing or psychology.
The Office for Students statistics lag by about a year as it takes the government a while to compile all the figures and crunch the numbers. The figures for 2023-24 will be released in the Autumn of 2025.
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(Stock photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash)