South Glos Parent Carers Forum support Gypsy and Traveller parents with disabled children

Are you the parent or carer of a child or young person with disabilities? South Gloucestershire Parent Carers Forum works to improve services for children and young persons (0-25) with ANY disabilities, with or without diagnosis. We would like to know what changes to services Gypsy and Travellers would like to see for their loved ones, so we would love to hear from you.
Is there a service that doesn’t meet your cultural and disability needs? Are there changes that can be made to make services, including our own, more accessible for you? Are there facilities you need that aren’t in public spaces? We work in partnership with the local authority and health services to make improvements and want to make sure that Gypsy and Traveller voices are heard.
We also offer a welcoming supportive community made up of parents and carers who know the joys and challenges of caring for a child with additional needs, coffee mornings, informal support and service signposting, a group for pre-school children Little Treasures and family group Jigsaw which also has a sensory equipment lending library. There are also opportunities for parent carers who want to volunteer by attending meetings, helping at coffee mornings amongst many other opportunities.
We want to hear from you. Our voices matter and together they are stronger.
Visit our website for more information, to tell us your views and to sign up for updates, events and newsletters. Similar Parent Carers Forum can be found in all local authority areas.