Sylvie Harrison’s family memories

About three years ago, when my ninety year old mum passed away, my dad said I could have her old photos.
I was given a couple of boxes which contained old family photos going right back in time to my great granny and granddad. Going through them brought back good memories for me and I could remember back to when I was a child.
I only knew my Great Granny, Sophie Orchard, a little, but I do know that she was a good-hearted woman who loved all her family.
My Granny and Grandad, Bill and Brit Birch, who I can remember Travelling with as a little girl in the 1950’s.
In later years, when I got older and they were settled on a Traveller site in Plymouth, Devon, I remember going to visit them, and as I approached, my granddad would be in the window of the caravan swaying from side to side laughing and pretending to reel me in with the excitement of seeing me.
I was a recently married young woman and he was always interested in how we were getting on with our lives. Those are fond memories for me and I am so glad I have these old photos to remind of those good times.
The lady holding the brush is my Great Granny Sophie Orchard. She often hawked brushes to make a living