
Overview: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller women and supporters co-created this film.
Inspired by March 8th International Women’s Day, people throughout the UK sent Film Director Rosa Cisneros materials. The individuals all thought about the importance of equity, motherhood, friendship and education.
Some of the participants were inspired by the EU-Funded RTransform Project. Thanks to Maria Polodeanu from Reel Master Production for helping me with editing. Thanks to all the women in the film and organisations. A special thank you to Dee Cooper for providing poetry: Family, It hurts you know, Romany Queen, Our Daughters.
Watch the film here:
Film directed by: Rosa Cisneros from RosaSenCis Film Productions
Edited by: Maria Polodeanu
Filmed by: GRT and non-GRT families
Voice Over by: Dee Cooper
Text by: Rosa Cisneros drawing on conversations
Press release by Rosa Cisneros