About EMTAS services
Removing barriers and inequalities in attainment and achievement
Removing barriers and inequalities in attainment and achievement is a priority for any head teacher. By working alongside you and using our specialist knowledge, we can help your school improve educational outcomes for children and young people from Black, Minority Ethnic (BME) and Traveller heritages, including those learning English as an additional language (EAL).
We understand the importance of fostering open and productive relationships between schools, parents, carers, children and young people to remove barriers to learning. Through our specialist resources and support, we provide expert advice, guidance and training to help raise attainment and close the performance gap for children and young people from BME and Traveller groups.
We offer
Bilingual support for children and young people at point of transfer into a new school in over 20 different languages
Advice and training on meeting needs of children learning English as an additional language
OFSTED guidance, advice and training on closing gaps between the performance of Black, Minority Ethnic, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children, and others
EMTAS specialist teacher advice and support
Parental support and family working which includes family learning, translation of texts, letters and transition work for individual pupils
Guidance on the delivery of the award-winning Hampshire Young Interpreter Scheme®
Resources – loan of books, dictionaries and artefacts
Training for teachers, support staff and governors
Phone line service for parents and practitioners in a range of different languages.