Have your say on RSHE in schools - say the Government

The Government are asking parents and teachers to have their say in a consultation on their new rules for schools teaching Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) as part of their curriculum.
The Government say:
"We want to hear your views on proposed changes to the statutory guidance on teaching:
- relationships education
- relationships and sex education
- health education
These subjects are collectively known as RSHE.
Your views are important to help ensure that this guidance supports schools to provide high-quality RSHE which meets the needs of children and young people."
The Government has said it will fast-track the new laws through Parliament and hopes to make them law by the Autumn of this year. However, the sudden calling by the Government of an Election, which takes place on the 4th July, means that all Parliamentary business is halted until the new Government is sworn in, and this could affect the planned timetable.
The consultation, which ends on 11th July, can be found here: Review of the RSHE statutory guidance - Department for Education - Citizen Space
TT News
(Photograph: Stock image by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash)