Help improve the rights and living conditions of Gypsies and Travellers

We need your support as Romany Gypsies, Irish, Scottish and Welsh Travellers to tell us about you and your community’s needs and experiences.
We are running this important survey to capture the experiences of Gypsies Roma and Travellers. It is taking place in six European Union countries to help improve the lives and protect the rights of people from British Gypsy and Traveller communities.
Interviewers from Ipsos MORI will visit sites across the UK over the next 10 weeks. We are looking for people from the British Gypsy and Traveller community to take part. We hope to speak to over 1000 people.
Each interview will take about 45 minutes.
The answers will all be anonymous and completely confidential. The data will only be used for this research and everyone who takes part will get £5 to thank you for your time.
Ipsos MORI is running this survey on behalf of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).
If you would like to know more, please contact Hannah Shrimpton or Darragh McHenry from Ipsos MORI on 0800 1413790.